4,393 research outputs found

    Prediction of mechanical properties of Al alloys with change of cooling rate

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    The solidification process significantly affects the mechanical properties and there are lots of factors that affect the solidification process. Much progress has been made in the research on the effect of solidification on mechanical properties. Among them, the PF (Phase Field) model and CA (Cellular Automata) model are widely used as simulation methods which can predict nucleation and its growth, and the size and morphology of the grains during solidification. Although they can give accurate calculation results, it needs too much computational memory and calculation time. So it is difficult to apply the simulation to the real production process. In this study, a more practical simulation approach which can predict the mechanical properties of real aluminum alloys is proposed, by identifying through experiment the relationship between cooling rate and SDAS (Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing) and mechanical properties. The experimentally measured values and the values predicted by simulation have relatively small differences and the mechanical properties of a variety of Al alloys are expected to be predicted before casting through use of the simulation

    Absolute Properties of the Oscillating Eclipsing Algol X Trianguli

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    We report results from the TESS photometric data and new high-resolution spectra of the Algol system X Tri showing short-period pulsations. From the echelle spectra, the radial velocities of the eclipsing pair were measured, and the rotational rate and effective temperature of the primary star were obtained to be v1v_1sin⁑\sini=84Β±6i=84\pm6 km sβˆ’1^{-1} and Teff,1=7900Β±110T_{\rm eff,1}=7900 \pm 110 K, respectively. The synthetic modeling of these observations implies that X Tri is in synchronous rotation and is physically linked to a visual companion TIC 28391715 at a separation of about 6.5 arcsec. The absolute parameters of our target star were accurately and directly determined to be M1=2.137Β±0.018M_1 = 2.137 \pm 0.018 MβŠ™M_\odot, M2=1.101Β±0.010M_2 = 1.101 \pm 0.010 MβŠ™M_\odot, R1=1.664Β±0.010R_1 = 1.664 \pm 0.010 RβŠ™R_\odot, R2=1.972Β±0.010R_2 = 1.972 \pm 0.010 RβŠ™R_\odot, L1=9.67Β±0.55L_1 = 9.67 \pm 0.55 LβŠ™L_\odot, and L2=2.16Β±0.09L_2 = 2.16 \pm 0.09 LβŠ™L_\odot. The phase-binned mean light curve was used to remove the binary effect from the observed TESS data. Multifrequency analysis of the residuals revealed 16 significant frequencies, of which the high-frequency signals between 37 dayβˆ’1^{-1} and 48 dayβˆ’1^{-1} can be considered probable pulsation modes. Their oscillation periods of 0.021βˆ’-0.027 days and pulsation constants of 0.014βˆ’-0.018 days are typical values of Ξ΄\delta Sct variables. The overall results demonstrate that X Tri is an oEA star system, consisting of a Ξ΄\delta Sct primary and its lobe-filling companion in the semi-detached configuration.Comment: 27 pages, including 8 figures and 6 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Carbon Fiber by Thermal CVD Using Ni Nanoparticles as Catalysts

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    AbstractNickel nanoparticles and thin film on carbon fiber have been prepared through electroless deposition. Moreover, carbon nanotubes were grown on carbon fiber covered by nickel nanoparticles using thermal chemical vapor deposition. The effects of changes in the thickness of the nickel catalyst layer and the growth temperature of carbon nanotubes were studied systemically, and the results are discussed in the present work

    Direct activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1(TRPV1) by Diacylglycerol (DAG)

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    The capsaicin receptor, known as transient receptor potential channel vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1), is activated by a wide range of noxious stimulants and putative ligands such as capsaicin, heat, pH, anandamide, and phosphorylation by protein kinase C (PKC). However, the identity of endogenous activators for TRPV1 under physiological condition is still debated. Here, we report that diacylglycerol (DAG) directly activates TRPV1 channel in a membrane-delimited manner in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a membrane-permeable DAG analog, elicited intracellular Ca2+ transients, cationic currents and cobalt uptake that were blocked by TRPV1-selective antagonists, but not by inhibitors of PKC and DAG lipase in rat DRG neurons or HEK 293 cells heterologously expressing TRPV1. OAG induced responses were about one fifth of capsaicin induced signals, suggesting that OAG displays partial agonism. We also found that endogenously produced DAG can activate rat TRPV1 channels. Mutagenesis of rat TRPV1 revealed that DAG-binding site is at Y511, the same site for capsaicin binding, and PtdIns(4,5)P2binding site may not be critical for the activation of rat TRPV1 by DAG in heterologous system. We propose that DAG serves as an endogenous ligand for rat TRPV1, acting as an integrator of Gq/11-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases that are linked to phospholipase C

    Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Test with Redshift-Space Correlation Function: Evidence for the Dark Energy Equation of State Parameter w>-1

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    The apparent shape of galaxy clustering depends on the adopted cosmology used to convert observed redshift to comoving distance, the r(z)r(z) relation, as it changes the line elements along and across the line of sight differently. The Alcock-Paczy\'nski (AP) test exploits this property to constrain the expansion history of the universe. We present an extensive review of past studies on the AP test. We adopt an extended AP test method introduced by Park et al. (2019), which uses the full shape of redshift-space two-point correlation function (CF) as the standard shape, and apply it to the SDSS DR7, BOSS, and eBOSS LRG samples covering the redshift range up to z=0.8z=0.8.We calibrate the test against the nonlinear cosmology-dependent systematic evolution of the CF shape using the Multiverse simulations. We focus on examining whether or not the flat Ξ›\LambdaCDM `concordance' model is consistent with observation. We constrain the flat wwCDM model to have w=βˆ’0.892βˆ’0.050+0.045w=-0.892_{-0.050}^{+0.045} and Ξ©m=0.282βˆ’0.023+0.024\Omega_m=0.282_{-0.023}^{+0.024} from our AP test alone, which is significantly tighter than the constraints from the BAO or SNe Iaa methods by a factor of 3 - 6. When the AP test result is combined with the recent BAO and SNe Iaa results, we obtain w=βˆ’0.903βˆ’0.023+0.023w=-0.903_{-0.023}^{+0.023} and Ξ©m=0.285βˆ’0.009+0.014\Omega_m=0.285_{-0.009}^{+0.014}. This puts a strong tension with the flat Ξ›\LambdaCDM model with w=βˆ’1w=-1 at 4.2Οƒ4.2\sigma level. Consistency with w=βˆ’1w=-1 is obtained only when the Planck CMB observation is combined. It remains to see if this tension between observations of galaxy distribution at low redshifts and CMB anisotropy at the decoupling epoch becomes greater in the future studies and leads us to a new paradigm of cosmology.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Nanodiamond-Gutta Percha Composite Biomaterials for Root Canal Therapy.

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    Root canal therapy (RCT) represents a standard of treatment that addresses infected pulp tissue in teeth and protects against future infection. RCT involves removing dental pulp comprising blood vessels and nerve tissue, decontaminating residually infected tissue through biomechanical instrumentation, and root canal obturation using a filler material to replace the space that was previously composed of dental pulp. Gutta percha (GP) is typically used as the filler material, as it is malleable, inert, and biocompatible. While filling the root canal space with GP is the standard of care for endodontic therapies, it has exhibited limitations including leakage, root canal reinfection, and poor mechanical properties. To address these challenges, clinicians have explored the use of alternative root filling materials other than GP. Among the classes of materials that are being explored as novel endodontic therapy platforms, nanodiamonds (NDs) may offer unique advantages due to their favorable properties, particularly for dental applications. These include versatile faceted surface chemistry, biocompatibility, and their role in improving mechanical properties, among others. This study developed a ND-embedded GP (NDGP) that was functionalized with amoxicillin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic commonly used for endodontic infection. Comprehensive materials characterization confirmed improved mechanical properties of NDGP over unmodified GP. In addition, digital radiography and microcomputed tomography imaging demonstrated that obturation of root canals with NDGP could be achieved using clinically relevant techniques. Furthermore, bacterial growth inhibition assays confirmed drug functionality of NDGP functionalized with amoxicillin. This study demonstrates a promising path toward NDGP implementation in future endodontic therapy for improved treatment outcomes
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